
Matlu Study Committee

The Matlu Study Committee is a collaborative organ founded in early 2019. The primary goal of the Study Committee is to promote students’ interests and improve information flow across degree programmes and student organisations at the Kumpula Campus. The Study Committee meetings are open to any students in Kumpula who are interested in promoting students’ interests.

Study Committee meetings are usually held on Kumpula campus in the student room A118 in Exactum. Find out more about meetings here.

Matlu International Committee

The Matlu International Committee was founded in late 2019 to promote internationalization at Kumpula campus. The primary goal of the International Committee is to organise fun cross-disciplinary events that are accessible to international students. The Committee is also tasked with promoting the interests’ of international students and supporting international tutors in their work.

The Matlu International Committee works entirely in English, and anyone interested in international affairs and events is welcome to join! The Committee meets once a month, and meetings are open to all Kumpula students. If you have questions about the International Committee, our international representative will be happy to answer them! You can reach them by emailing

Student Representatives in the Faculty

Finnish university democracy affords excellent opportunities for empowering students at the university. Students are represented in every part of decision-making: in degree programme steering groups, faculties, and university government. Student representatives make sure that students’ interests are taken care of when decisions are made that influence students. They bring students’ opinions to light in meetings, promote and defend things that are important to students, and help shape the university for students. Student representatives are happy to answer any questions you may have about promotion of your interests. Don’t hesitate to contact them if you encounter injustices or problems at the university!

The Faculty Council (2024-2025):

Jeff Schymiczek(Sanjana Mudigere Satish)
Tia-Maria Liljeroos(Touko Manner)
Silja Hyyrynen(Alexander Algrund)
Jenni Häkkinen(Rosario Di Vaia)
Taavi Heikkilä(Timo Paloneva)

The University Collegium (2024-2025):

Konsta Janhunen(Aimo Hirvonen)
Joar Jensén(Jenna Vahtera)

Student members of steering groups (2021-2022):

The up to date student members of steering groups can be looked from the halloped-system:

Bachelor’s Programme in Physical Sciences

Bachelor’s Programme in Chemistry

Bachelor’s Programme in Geography

Bachelor’s Programme in Mathematical Sciences

Bachelor’s Programme of Teachers of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

Bachelor’s Programme in Computer Science

Master’s Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences

Master’s Programme in Data Science

Master’s Programme in Geology and Geophysics

Master’s Programme in Atmospheric Sciences

Master’s Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences

Master’s Programme in Geography

Master’s Programme in Mathematics and Statistics

Master’s Programme of Teachers of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

Master’s Programme in Materials Research

Master’s Programme in Theoretical and Computational Sciences

Master’s Programme in Computer Science

Bachelor’s Programme in Science